Fast-track your nanomedicine’s path to market with NANBIOSIS: tailored preclinical studies, cutting-edge imaging, and comprehensive analytics, all while ensuring ethical compliance and regulatory adherence.
Industrial problem/gap covered
One of the causes that increase the time to market of nanotherapeutics is its preclinical validation. The standard protocols for more traditional drugs are not applicable for nanomedicines. NANBIOSIS offers a tailored preclinical study plan to meet the demands of each nanomedicine product. This is developed in collaboration with the user and starting from a set of basic analytical tests to more sophisticated experiments, in a variety of animal models. In addition, our experiments can be run either under GLP or non-GLP conditions, depending on the stage of your project.
Studies of nanomedicines are conducted in animals utilizing a variety of models and state of the art imaging techniques (fluorescence, bioluminescence, TAC, MRI, CT, Echography, etc.). This is complemented with a wide variety of analysis, including clinal tests: hematology, biochemistry, coagulation, urinalysis, tumor markers, hormones, fertility studies, cardiac markers, metabolic study, etc. NANBIOSIS collaborates with you in the selection of the most suitable animal species, and we can develop experimental pathologies in different models (large white pig, sheep, goat, beagle dog, minipig, rabbit, rat and mouse) upon request. Needless to say, all these experiments follow strictly the most ethical approaches and comply with the EU regulations on animal research.
The final cost of this service may vary. More information can be found in our webpage (<a href="">click here</a>).
- Europa