Fast-track nanotherapeutics to market with NANBIOSIS – expert characterization studies tailored for nanomedicines ensure rapid regulatory approval.
Industrial problem/gap covered
One of the causes that increases the time required to reach the market in nanotherapeutics is the preclinical validation. The standard protocols for more traditional drugs are not applicable for nanomedicines, starting with the study of the physicochemical properties of the nanomaterials. NANBIOSIS offers a complete study plan tailored to meet the demands of each nanomedicine product, from the properties of the materials all the way to their preclinical validation. This is developed in collaboration with the user and starting from a set of basic analytical tests to more sophisticated experiments. Also, some of them are available under GLP for regulatory purposes.
We offer a complete Physicochemical Characterization. e.g., size distribution, composition, purity, surface characteristics, stability, and more adapted to the different products by using the most sophisticated equipment and taking advantage of the expertise of scientist internationally recognized in the matter.
The final cost of this service may vary. More information can be found in our webpage (<a href="">click here</a>).
- Europa