"ABOUTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTBACKGROUND & TEAMMINDS & SPARKS is an independent, non-profit researchand innovation organisation based in Vienna, Austria. Itfocuses on fostering science, innovation and technologyto address major challenges and to develop new methodsand solutions for a better society. MINDS & SPARKScreates strong connections between science, technologyand society using interdisciplinary approaches, promotingbest practices and raising awareness on research andinnovation achievements.For funded projects MINDS & SPARKS is providingestablished approaches and capabilities in the field ofrequirements engineering, use case specification,information visualisation, interface design, applicationtesting, and user validation. Furthermore, theorganisation focuses on improving sustainability ofresearch and innovation outcomes especially of publicfunded projects to ensure that spent resources lead toenduring positive impacts for the society as a whole.MINDS & SPARKS is formed by a team of highly skilledpersonn..."