MINDS & SPARKS Organisation Presentation


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Results: 1-20 of 33

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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTABOUT USAustriaVienna2Offices20+Employees2018Spin-off and FoundationMINDS & SPARKS GmbH2"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTBACKGROUND & TEAMMINDS & SPARKS is an independent, non-profit researchand innovation organisation based in Vienna, Austria. Itfocuses on fostering science, innovation and technologyto address major challenges and to develop new methodsand solutions for a better society. MINDS & SPARKScreates strong connections between science, technologyand society using interdisciplinary approaches, promotingbest practices and raising awareness on research andinnovation achievements.For funded projects MINDS & SPARKS is providingestablished approaches and capabilities in the field ofrequirements engineering, use case specification,information visualisation, interface design, applicationtesting, and user validation. Furthermore, theorganisation focuses on improving sustainability ofresearch and innovation outcomes especially of publicfunded projects to ensure that spent resources lead toenduring positive impacts for the society as a whole.MINDS & SPARKS is formed by a team of..."
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"ABOUTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTI N V O L V E M E N T I N R E S E A R C H A N D I N N O V AT I O N P R O J E C T SResearch & AnalysisInterdisciplinary ExpertiseWe offer comprehensive research and analysis capabilities, combininginsights from various disciplines to deliver a holistic understanding ofcomplex challenges. Our expert team utilizes several methodologies suchas quantitative and qualitative surveys, focus groups, stakeholder studies,and collaboration platforms. We foster collaboration among experts fromdiverse backgrounds, ensuring a synergistic integration of knowledge andskills as well as contributing to achieve the project’s research goals.Dissemination & CommunicationAwareness Raising & PromotionWe are an experienced dissemination and communication partner foryour project. Following the DEC guidelines provided by the EC, ourcreatives provide recognisable project identities, leaflets and individualprint materials, as well as project websites and digital designs for yoursocial media channels thus maxi..."
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"ABOUTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTI N V O L V E M E N T I N R E S E A R C H A N D I N N O V AT I O N P R O J E C T SRequirements EngineeringUse Case SpecificationWe offer to take over the requirements engineering in software projects tohelp to address the specific needs of the partners and the end-users. Inorder to refine the specifications collected within this phase, we are usingdifferent techniques like visual personas, surveys, interviews and other toderive the users’ needs. To uphold consistent high-quality standards, weemphasize thorough and iterative communication techniques between allpartners during the stages of requirements engineering.ImplementationWeb Application DevelopmentWe leverage cutting-edge technologies and best practices to build highperformance, user-friendly applications while emphasizing scalability,security and robust backend systems. Our team of expert developers candeliver various solutions such as project websites, mapping applications,learning hubs, contest portals, marketplaces with..."
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTPROJECTSPAV-DTGUARDA Disruptive Technology That Enables Low Cost Real-Time Monitoring of Road PavementCondition by Any Ordinary Vehicle Circulating on the Road, and Predictive MaintenanceA Cybersecurity Framework to GUArantee Reliability and Trust for Digital Service ChainsCall Topic: H2020 | EIC-FTI-2018-2020 | IANumber: 853899 | Role: Partner | Duration: 36 MonthsCall Topic: H2020 | SU-ICT-01-2018 | IANumber: 833456 | Role: Partner | Duration: 36 MonthsFORESIGHTPHArA-ONAdvanced Cybersecurity Simulation Platform for Preparedness Training in Aviation, Navaland Power-Grid EnvironmentsPilots for Healthy and Active AgeingCall Topic: H2020 | SU-DS01-2018 | IANumber: 833673 | Role: Partner | Duration: 42 MonthsCall Topic: H2020 | DT-TDS-01-2019 | IANumber: 857188 | Role: Partner | Duration: 60 MonthsMINDS & SPARKS GmbH9"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTPROJECTSEU-Japan.AIODINAdvancing Collaboration and Exchange of Knowledge Between the EU and Japan for AIDriven Innovation in ManufacturingLeveraging AI based technology to transform the future of health care delivery in LeadingHospitals in EuropeCall Topic: H2020 | ICT-38-2020 | CSANumber: 957339 | Role: Coordinator | Duration: 22 MonthsCall Topic: H2020 | DT-ICT-12-2020 | IANumber: 101017331 | Role: Partner | Duration: 42 MonthsBIOMATDBMAGDAAdvanced Database for Biomaterials with Data Analysis and Visualisation Tools extended bya Marketplace with Digital AdvisorsMeteorological Assimilation from Galileo and Drones for AgricultureCall Topic: HORIZON | CL4-2021-RESILIENCE-01-25 | CSANumber: 101058779 | Role: Partner | Duration: 36 MonthsCall Topic: HORIZON | EUSPA-2021-SPACE-02-51 | IANumber: 101082189 | Role: Partner | Duration: 30 MonthsMINDS & SPARKS GmbH10"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTPROJECTSSPREAD2INNORISE-UPSPREADing the global potential of developing innovation ecosystems to strengthenINNOvation in regional and local businessesRevitalising Languages, safeguarding cultural diversityCall Topic: HORIZON | EIE-2021-SCALEUP-01-01 | CSANumber: 101071977 | Role: Partner | Duration: 24 MonthsCall Topic: HORIZON | CL2-2022-HERITAGE-01-01 | CSANumber: 101095048 | Role: Coordinator | Duration: 36 MonthsACTPACEffiTorchComplete Transformation PAth for C-C backboned plastic wastes to high-value Chemicalsand materialsEfficient valorisation of CO2 and bio-waste for long-term energy storage using a microwaveplasma torch and quenching using the reverse Boudouard reactionCall Topic: HORIZON | CL6-2023-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-5 | IANumber: 101135289 | Role: Partner | Duration: 48 MonthsCall Topic: HORIZON | CL5-2024-D3-01-10 | RIANumber: 101172766 | Role: Partner | Duration: 48 MonthsMINDS & SPARKS GmbH11"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTP R O J E C T E X P E R T I S E | D E S I G N & I M P L E M E N T AT I O NDevelopment | Map Applications | Digital Platforms | User InterfacesMINDS & SPARKS GmbH12"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTP R O J E C T E X P E R T I S E | D E S I G N & I M P L E M E N T AT I O NDevelopment | Dashboard Applications | Digital Assets | Web User InterfacesMINDS & SPARKS GmbH13"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTP R O J E C T E X P E R T I S E | D E S I G N & I M P L E M E N T AT I O NCATAALOG Marketplace | Active Ageing & Ambient Assisted Living | Commercial DeploymentMINDS & SPARKS GmbH14"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTP R O J E C T E X P E R T I S E | D E S I G N & I M P L E M E N T AT I O NEU-Japan.AI Platform | Custom Modules | Networking & Community | Knowledge ExchangeMINDS & SPARKS GmbH15"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTP R O J E C T E X P E R T I S E | D E S I G N & I M P L E M E N T AT I O NSPREAD2INNO Web Platform | Custom Modules | One-stop Shop | NetworkingMINDS & SPARKS GmbH16"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTPROJECT EXPERTISE | RESEARCH & ANALYSISEmpirical Research | Analysis of Behavioural, Social & Human Aspects | UI & UX RequirementsMINDS & SPARKS GmbH17"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTPROJECT EXPERTISE | RESEARCH & ANALYSISStakeholder Studies | End-User Requirements | Quantitative & Qualitative Surveys | Empirical ResearchMINDS & SPARKS GmbH18"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTPROJECT EXPERTISE | RESEARCH & ANALYSISEcosystem Enlargement | Stakeholder Involvement | Networking | Community of InterestMINDS & SPARKS GmbH21"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTP R O J E C T E X P E R T I S E | D I S S E M I N AT I O N & E X P L O I T AT I O NProject Identity | Social Media | Clustering | Market Research | Exploitation & Innovation StrategyMINDS & SPARKS GmbH22"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTP R O J E C T E X P E R T I S E | D I S S E M I N AT I O N & E X P L O I T AT I O NProject Identity | Promotional Materials | Exploitation & Innovation ManagementMINDS & SPARKS GmbH23"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTP R O J E C T E X P E R T I S E | D I S S E M I N AT I O N & E X P L O I T AT I O NProject Website | Social Media & Promotion | Clustering | Market Research & Business PlansMINDS & SPARKS GmbH24"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTP R O J E C T E X P E R T I S E | D I S S E M I N AT I O N & C O M M U N I C AT I O NProject Website | Social Media | Promotional Materials | Personas | Banners & BrochuresMINDS & SPARKS GmbH25"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTP R O J E C T E X P E R T I S E | D I S S E M I N AT I O N & C O M M U N I C AT I O NProject Website | Social Media | Visual Identity | Promotional Materials & BannersMINDS & SPARKS GmbH26"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTP R O J E C T E X P E R T I S E | D I S S E M I N AT I O N & C O M M U N I C AT I O NProject Website | Social Media | Event Promotion | Media Kits | Video ProductionMINDS & SPARKS GmbH27"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTB I O M AT D B | P R O J E C T D E T A I L SAdvanced Database for Biomaterials with Data Analysis and Visualisation Tools extended by a Marketplace with DigitalAdvisorsProgrammeHorizon EuropeCallHORIZON-CL4-2021-RESILIENCE-01TopicHORIZON-CL4-2021-RESILIENCE-01-25Funding SchemeCoordination and Support ActionConsortium12 PartnersDuration30 MonthsMINDS & SPARKS GmbH28"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTB I O M AT D B | R O L E I N P R O J E C T – D I S S E M I N AT I O N & C O M M U N I C AT I O NProject Identity & Website | Social Media | Promotional Materials | Banners & BrochuresMINDS & SPARKS GmbH29"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTB I O M AT D B | R O L E I N P R O J E C T - D E S I G N & I M P L E M E N T AT I O NDevelopment | Application Frontends | Mock-ups | UX FeaturesBiomaterial DatabaseBiomaterial MarketplaceMINDS & SPARKS GmbH30"
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTR E L E V A N T E X P E R T I S E F O R Y O U R P R O J E C T | B I O M AT E R I A L S D O M A I NMARKET SCREENING & ASSESSMENTWe perform extended market screening and assessments based on predefined triggers andcriteria providing:▪▪▪Collections of market players like manufacturers, vendors, or providers of specificsolutions, products, and services for selected markets presented with structured lists andprofilesMappings of local, European or international landscapes and markets includingstakeholders, end user organisations, implementers, and associated decision makers.Assessments of selected products, services, or integrated solutions based on relevantconcepts, classifications, technologies, features, interfaces, and further criteria.EXPLOITATION & COOPERATIONWe initiate exploitation and commercialisation measures considering the specific conditions ofthe targeted ecosystem in Europe and potential further markets creating...▪▪▪Strategies for effective exploita..."
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTR E L E V A N T E X P E R T I S E F O R Y O U R P R O J E C T | B I O M AT E R I A L S D O M A I NAWARENESS RAISING & DISSEMINATIONDissemination and communication are crucial tasks in all projects in order to increase the impactof the research project. The work, which is usually combined in a dedicated work package, startswith the development of the project identity (logo and colour scheme) and continues as anongoing activity throughout the entire project lifetime. We provide professional support for thepositioning of your project, product, or service with focus on:▪Visibility by creating digital and printed materials like leaflets, data sheets, brochures ornewsletters to raise awareness on your project, solution, product or service.▪Distribution via various online channels and social media using as well our networks andmailing lists to ensure your project outcomes are reaching the right target groups.▪Engagement of required networks, stakeholders, end users,..."
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"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSMINDS & SPARKS GmbHGumpendorfer Straße 73/171060 WienAustriaEMAILcontact@mindsandsparks.orgWEBSITEwww.mindsandsparks.orgMINDS & SPARKS GmbHCONTACT"

Results: 1-20 of 33

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