"ABOUTExpertiseABOUTCONTACTEXPERTISEPROJECTSCONTACTR E L E V A N T E X P E R T I S E F O R Y O U R P R O J E C T | B I O M AT E R I A L S D O M A I NMARKET SCREENING & ASSESSMENTWe perform extended market screening and assessments based on predefined triggers andcriteria providing:▪▪▪Collections of market players like manufacturers, vendors, or providers of specificsolutions, products, and services for selected markets presented with structured lists andprofilesMappings of local, European or international landscapes and markets includingstakeholders, end user organisations, implementers, and associated decision makers.Assessments of selected products, services, or integrated solutions based on relevantconcepts, classifications, technologies, features, interfaces, and further criteria.EXPLOITATION & COOPERATIONWe initiate exploitation and commercialisation measures considering the specific conditions ofthe targeted ecosystem in Europe and potential further markets creating...▪▪▪Strategies for effective exploita..."