Protein-only nanomaterial platforms - production and characterization

Protein-only nanomaterial platforms - production and characterization
Informazioni sul fornitore
Descrizione del prodotto

Revolutionizing healthcare with recombinant proteins — unleashing safe, targeted drug delivery and tissue regeneration for groundbreaking therapeutic treatments.

Industrial gap/problem covered

Recombinant proteins can be engineered to be used as effective, safe, non-invasive and cell selective nanomaterial in new therapeutic treatments. Protein-only nanostructures, either in soluble or Inclusion bodies form, have being successfully used both in human and animal health models, showing the highly potential and versatility of these nanomaterials.


Soluble protein nanoparticles
The use of recombinant proteins to form nanostructures have generated high expectations because their potential applicability, especially in targeted drug delivery. In this context, a novel tunable platform of multifunctional soluble proteins, engineered to spontaneously self-assemble into nanostructures, has been shown to be an excellent model for newly therapeutic approaches.

Inclusion bodies
Insoluble protein aggregates, also known as Inclusion Bodies, long considered a discard product of recombinant protein production, are now being rediscovered for they application in animal and human health mainly for tissue regenerative processes. IBs in fact are non-soluble protein aggregates formed by active proteins which can be released from the IBs aggregates. These materials can be used both for decorating plastic supports in contact with cells, stimulating a cell response depending of the nature of the protein, or can be directly locally injected, providing a sustained release of active therapeutic protein.

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